Friday, January 8, 2010

08 January 2010

From Photo-a-day-2010


I got another goodie from office. LOL.
Well for new joinees there was an informal quiz at a meeting and my trivia skills ensured that I recalled enough.
It was a tie between me and a very senior employee - so we both got a Cadbury's Fruit & Nut Chocolate.
"Fruit and Nut" - that's me - fruity and nutty.

I wouldn't buy chocolate because I am disciplined enough and determined enough to engage fully in my gym resolution.
But I am glad I got it for free - a nice cheat food.

Everyone likes to grow - look at my bamboo plant - it is in a small bowl without soil, only water - so it can't spread a foundation and reach for the skies. Yet in this limitation, it has managed to grow fuller leaves and a bit taller of course - it's in its "blood" to grow.

So all this blabbering is to say I am enjoying my new employment. LOL.

Also - finally my Jan 2010 issue of Scientific American arrived today. As you can see it is the India edition. It was launched in India over a year ago, not catching on too much, probably due to poor marketing. But this means it has less advertisements and good content at throwaway subscription rates - mine is for 3 years.


  1. Cadbury's chocolate....Mmm!
    Love the greenery you always have a plant on your desk?

  2. :-p

    Till I am able to have a pet dog around me always, I guess I have to be content with the undemanding plants. Next in the wishlist is of course a horse. LOL.
