From Photo-a-day-2010 |
Mission Impossible: Your objective is to defeat the computer game engine at chess.
*ing Agent Methane Hunt
LOL. Silly Cow does a Ethan Hunt/Tom Cruise trick of sneaking from atop to get access to the chess techniques of Grand Masters. Click image to enlarge.
This software is not the latest version of "ChessMaster" and that's why I bought it. Yes, it provides the same features and functionality and insights at a lower price of Rs. 299 (One USD = Rs 49).
It has 3 CD-ROMs which tells you how much data it has, including training from a complete beginner level to a direct tutoring from a Grand Master - each with interactive practice modules.
Teacher. Mentor. Ultimate Opponent. That's what the box says and that's no cattle-dung.
You can also see the magnetic tiny chess set mentioned in yesterday's post.
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